Vanvitelli's winter School in Technical Art History and for the profession of curator

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The winter school in Technical art history and for the profession of curator, organized by the Vanvitelli University - Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, by the Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte and the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities "La Capraia" takes its start on 24 January 2022.

How do you become a curator? What do you need to know and do to protect and present art works in settings that are interesting for the public and that are also able to enhance them to the fullest? You will be able to answer these questions and more by attending the Winter School, a training course lasting 75 hours managed by museum professionals and university professors that will take place within the restoration rooms and laboratories of the Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte. The course is articulated in lectures and workshop sessions, as well as visits to other museums and monumental sites. A multidisciplinary formula to present the activities connected with the conservation and care of the many forms of artworks offered in museums and to better train future professionals who will work in the cultural heritage sector. In fact, the study of the artworks combines distinct aspects and diversified approaches that meet in the specificity of each individual object: experience of its peculiarities, protection, knowledge and prevention, historical research and enhancement activities.

The course is managed by Andrea Zezza, professor of History of modern art at the Vanvitelli University with the collaboration of the scientific committee composed by Sylvain Bellenger, director of the Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte and Angela Cerasuolo, head of the Restoration department in the same museum and by the professors of the Vanvitelli University: Marco Cardinali, Vanvitelli's diagnostic laboratory, Riccardo Lattuada, History of modern art and Carlo Rescigno, Classical archaeology.

