University Day-care Centre, registrations now open

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Registrations are open for “Il Monello” University Day-care Centre for the year 2021/2022, reserved for the children of university employees and students.

The Vanvitelli Day-care Centre provides services for children from three months to six years divided as following:

  • Nursery that welcomes a maximum of 15 children;
  • section for 10 children between 24-36 months;
  • kindergarten for 24 children aged between 3-6 years;

The children of the following categories have the right of access for “Il Monello” University Day-care Centre:

  • Professors and researchers
  • Permanent technical-administrative staff
  • Research grant holders
  • Temporary staff
  • PhD students
  • Postgraduate or post doc scholarship holders
  • Students.

Applications for admission and pre-registration must be received by 20 September 2021 at the following e-mail address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or hand delivered to the “Ripartizione Patrimonio e Appalti di Beni e Servizi – Ufficio Contratti” from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 3.30 p.m.

Download the call and the forms (in italian)

The Day-care structure, located in Viale Ellittico in Caserta, in front of the new Rectorate headquarters, is newly built and is a bright, cheerful and welcoming environment in which children are surrounded by familiar signs, objects and characters.

The environments and spaces are organised to allow children to move independently and actively experiment their skills.

The environment is conceived as an educational tool, which encourages children to experience knowledge, play, discovery and research.

Day-care teachers are carefully selected responding to high qualification and competence standards and will also be supported by external workmates who manage and organise extracurricular activities, such as: dancing, foreign languages, music, painting, psychomotor skills and other, and also by University professors in order to organise meetings in support of parenthood.

The University Day-care Centre will help improve the quality of life of employees and students in the view to reconciling work-study-family life, creating equal opportunities and supporting parenthood.

Frequent meetings will be organised with parents who use the service to monitor and evaluate user satisfaction and to ensure constant improvement of the programming of educational activities.