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Erika, Simone, Chiara and Giuseppe are the first four graduates in Data Analytics, the double degree course provided by the Vanvitelli University in agreement with the Paris 13 University. A highly professional programme, completely provided in English aimed at training Data Analysts, one of the most requested profession by companies. The degree programme in Data Analytics also provides international training. Selected students will have the opportunity to spend one semester at Paris 13 University to improve their skills and acquire a double degree: degree in Data Analytics issued by the Vanvitelli University and License (LMD) Mention Informatique of the Department of Informatics of the Institut Galilée, issued by the Université Paris 13 - Sorbonne Paris La Cité (France).

"The possibility of obtaining a Double Degree in collaboration with another University - explains Simone - enriches preparation in Statistics with the IT tools and knowledge necessary to complete studies in 3 years of training. Furthermore, having participated in the Double Degree programme, and having had the opportunity to carry out an internship in one of the host University's laboratories (La Maison des Sciences Numériques or LaMSN), I can directly confirm how much the university and professional environment were of fundamental importance in the success of this programme ".

Alongside the training aspects there are also those of real life, represented by the experience abroad included in this course of study.

"In addition to my university experience - adds Simone – I spent  an entire academic year in Paris, experiencing its multi-ethnicity and having the opportunity to deepen my knowledge of French. My gratitude goes to Rosanna Verde, President of the Degree programme in Data Analytics, for her availability and for the opportunity offered, and to all the academic staff, for the training experience and quality of teaching, to the Université Sorbonne Paris 13, and also to all the students (and friends) of the License (LMD) Mention Informatique of Paris13, integral part of this path ".

Erika, another recent graduate, is also very satisfied with her studies.

 “The Data Analytics degree programme is first of its kind, it aims to train students for the profession of data analyst: this is a well-known profession abroad, but still not well known in Italy, combining statistical, mathematical, computer and economic knowledge, provided by the degree course. This job has been defined by many as the "sexiest" job of the twenty-first century and its demand is increasing exponentially in companies looking to expand. This course was very satisfying also from the didactic point of view. The professors were very helpful and close to us, they made me even more passionate about the subjects dealt with, creating interest in areas that I did not consider in my heart, such as programming.

Like Simone, Erika completed her studies abroad.

 “I started the double degree by going to study in Paris and getting the double degree. This experience was very formative both from a study and a relational point of view: despite Covid-19, I managed to create new friendships, coming into contact with many different cultures and also learning a new language, French - concludes the recent graduate ".

The Mention Informatique License (LMD) and the Italian degree were conferred by the Vanvitelli Graduation Board and by the Rector of the Université Paris Nord, Prof. Crhistophe Fouqueré.