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Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 2024. Call for Universities and Research Institutes. Apply and send your project by 20 June 2024.

Students, researchers, and professors involved in highly innovative projects can take part to the 12th edition of Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition - that will take place from 25 to 27 October 2024 at the Gazometro Ostiense!

Maker Faire Rome is organised and promoted by the Rome Chamber of Commerce. Maker Faire Rome is the ideal settings where knowledge, skills and experience come together to give shape to real projects.

Maker Faire Rome, promoted and organized by the Rome Chamber of Commerce, is the event that facilitates and talks about innovation, connecting people and ideas in a physical and virtual ecosystem.

Innovation, in all its forms, will, as always, be the protagonist: from digital manufacturing to the Internet of Things, from robotics to artificial intelligence, from agritech to digital manufacturing, passing through big data and aerospace, up to the latest discoveries of the metaverse and augmented reality.

With the Call for Universities and Research Institutes, Maker Faire Rome intends to promote innovation, through the diffusion of digital culture and the development of individual and collective entrepreneurship, rewarding the most deserving projects of State Universities and Public Research Institutes.

The projects presented in the Call will also participate in Contests promoted by Maker Faire Rome and/or by partners connected to the Call.

Submit your project online by 20 June 2024 at the following link:

Participation alternatives:

· project presentation: a bare area, the set-up of which is the responsibility of the exhibitor, will be provided free of charge or a pre-fitted 8 m2 stand (cost: 400.00 euros) may be requested;

· perform activities - presentations to the public and workshops (the detailed programming of these activities could take place digitally on dates other than those scheduled for the exhibition event);

· public performances with creative, technological, robotic, or musical performances. The performances can also take place in the form of webinars.

All useful information is available at the following web address:

For information pertaining the Call write to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Get involved, submit your project, take part in the Maker Faire Rome event!