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Women.Orientation.Work, two days dedicated to female placement. On 25 and 26 October, the placement service of the Vanvitelli University organizes, at the Department of Engineering in Aversa, an orientation event for self entrepreneurship and employment dedicated to female recent graduates and undergraduates of the University.

On 25 October, the event will be focused on enterprise creation and on freelance activity, first with a frontal orientation module and in the afternoon listening to the direct testimonies of local businesswomen.

On 26 October, the most important issues of entering the world of work will be dealt with, from the definition of the professional goal to the selection process.

The orientation modules aim to develop a new awareness of the change taking place, of the opportunities and new skills required by the labour market in order to offer practical tools and moments of reflection that aim to dispel the most common prejudices related to the world of female work and to promote a vision of young women as a necessary resource for business development.

"More and more often - explains Furio Cascetta, Vice Rector for Sustainability - we hear about the fundamental role that young graduates will have in the near future in the context of the much-desired restart and resilience of the Country (PNRR), after the pandemic crisis, especially in highly topical issues such as the green revolution, the energy and the digital transition. It is absolutely necessary for the Country to be able to introduce graduates in the so-called "scientific and technological" disciplines - STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics - into the world of work (research, industry, services).

In particular, for highly topical issues such as the green revolution, the energy transition, the digital transition, it is absolutely necessary that the country be able to introduce graduates in the so-called "scientific and technological" disciplines (STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Gender equality, in the specific sector of STEM degrees, is rather unsatisfactory (unbalanced). The Italian universities have to make a double effort: increase the number of graduates in general and increase the number of women graduates in STEM disciplines. The Vanvitelli University is studying possible ways to encourage girls to enrol in STEM degree programmes. Similarly, the sensitivity towards gender equality (objective 5 of the United Nations Agenda 2030) dedicated by the Vanvitelli University to the female gender is also expressed in relation to career guidance initiatives (self-entrepreneurship or dependent work) aimed at female students / undergraduates and graduates with training days such as that of 25-26 October 2021, at the Department of Engineering ".

The two-day initiative is part of W.O.W., “ Women.Orientation.Work”, the national project promoted by the Emblema Foundation to provide young female undergraduates and recent graduates with innovative tools capable of supporting them in defining their professional goals and careers.Among other activities, the project involves the creation of the first register of professions created with the immersive reality technique and brings together universities and companies from all over Italy within its network.

"The Department of Engineering - says Alessandro Mandolini, Director of the Department - already sensitive to the orientation of female students towards STEM disciplines, on 25 and 26 October will host the University placement event for recent female graduates and undergraduates, as part of the national project W.O.W. - Women.Orientation.Work. The invited entrepreneurs, Clelia Crisci, Vice-president of Confindustria Caserta, Angela Casale, Daniela Fucito and Angela Pozzi, engaged with leading roles in strengthening the production system of the territory, offer the testimony of a merit that , when recognized, overturns prejudices on female employment " 

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