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Ten scholarships of 3 thousand euros each for the most deserving female students enrolled in the first year of the Second Cycle Degree programmes in the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The Giuseppina Mai Foundation of Confindustria, in collaboration with the Bracco Foundation, promotes a national call with the "Women in Stem" project to help female students carry out their career projects in the field of innovation and technology, reducing the rate of university dropout and favouring study completion.

The project aims to promote mentoring paths through the involvement of leading women from the world of science, engineering and entrepreneurship, who will share their professional and life experiences, becoming role models and a source of inspiration and create a connection between the associations and companies of the Confindustria System which, through scholarships, tutoring and internships will "adopt" a graduating student.

The "Women in Stem" project, created with the support of the Government of Québec, aims to help and support female students in the realization of their career projects in the field of innovation and technology, reducing the rate of early university dropout and, at the same time, favouring the completion of their studies.

The Giuseppina Mai Foundation is also part of the STEAMiamoci project, promoted by Confindustria, to support the presence of women in the world of work and their active participation in economic and social life with particular attention to the STEM world.

 “The gender difference in scientific disciplines in Italy is still very significant: young STEM female graduates are 16.2% of the total, compared to 36.8% of male graduates. We must all strive to eliminate this gap. Several studies confirm that women who undertake scientific studies are among the best prepared and represent a strategic resource for the company for the benefit of corporate competitiveness ", commented the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi.

"Technological innovation is changing the parameters of work, leading to an increase need for STEM profiles. Unfortunately, especially in Italy, female participation in the world of science and technical professions is still heavily hampered by gender bias and stereotypes, and the dropout rate from scientific studies is higher among women. This is why our Foundation is happy to launch this project “said Diana Bracco, President of the Mai Foundation and B20 Ambassador Women Empowerment.

For more information

Call for applications (in Italian)