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The Rector: "Refuge and opportunities to guarantee their future"

The Vanvitelli University is ready to welcome 20 Ukrainian students fleeing the war. Hospitality and refuge, but also scholarships to allow them to continue their university career.

The insane war that is seeing Ukraine succumb and that does not spare civilians requires that all of Europe must with even greater force and urgency, support the population of a State that is undergoing an invasion, bombing, destruction and that already counts thousands of innocent victims

"we are following with great concern what is happening not far from us - says the Rector of the Vanvitelli University, Gianfranco Nicoletti - and, thanks to the experiences already underway with Ethiopian and Afghan refugees, we are ready to host 20 Ukrainian students and offer them protection and the opportunity to continue their studies, with all the necessary financial support. Universities have also been attacked in this conflict, as demonstrated by the bombing of Kharkiv, which symbolically represents an attack on the future of young Ukrainians, an unequivocal abuse of human rights and fundamental freedoms”.

The University will guarantee, with its own funds, each student a scholarship of 500 euros per month, accommodation and meals (also through agreements signed with local and regional authorities. Assistance will be provided for all procedures relating to the issue of visas and residence permits, the tax code and the opening of a bank account through the "Welcome Office". Didactic material (books, notes, etc.) will be provided through the library and will also be available online. A Buddy student, to be chosen from those enrolled in the same study programme and a tutor professor among those belonging to that study programme will be assigned to the refugee students.

Through its network of local partners, Ukrainian students will also be guaranteed clothing, mobile phones and notebooks. Training courses will be organized and complete free language courses will be available through the Rosetta Stone platform.

Students will also have the necessary health care through the Departments of Medicine and a psychological support service through the Department of Psychology.

 “This intervention toward Ukrainian students - concluded the Rector Nicoletti - confirms the vocation of our University, strongly committed to peace and solidarity. Once again we want to give a strong sign of support to young people in difficulty, offering real and concrete opportunities for their future”.

The Vanvitelli University, which is ready to join the University Network for Peace - RUniPace, has already welcomed two Ethiopian students (thanks to the UNI.CO.RE project) last September and is waiting to welcome 10 Afghan students.