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This question was answered by a study conducted by the Multidisciplinary Department of Medicine for Surgery and Orthodontics of the Vanvitelli University directed by Giovanni Iolascon, Director of the Multidisciplinary Department and full professor in Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine and his research team, composed by prof. Antimo Moretti and doctors Marco Paoletta, Sara Liguori, Fabrizio Menna and Milena Aulicino.

In particular, the research group approached the issue for the first time from the point of view of physical discomfort connected to working from home.

"During the research, conducted in the form of a questionnaire on 51 workers, researchers examined how workers organized their work at home and the impact of the equipment used on back and cervical pain” commented Iolascon, coordinator of the research team. The lack of non ergonomic workstations and improper postures adopted in smart-working situations would have conditioned the onset of musculoskeletal disorders.

"Chairs unsuitable for prolonged sitting, improper position of the home computer or even the use of laptops, as well as working from the sofa or maintaining incongruous postures of the lower limbs during work, can favour the onset of musculoskeletal disorders – the professor explained - In particular, most of the participants complained of a worsening of cervical pain.

As a result, musculoskeletal pain associated with remote work may have reduced job satisfaction”. Overall, the workers are equally satisfied with their remote activities; among the positive aspects of smart working, the travel time saved to reach the office is reported. "While the lack of interpersonal relationships with colleagues was the factor judged most negatively".

The results of the research, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, also reported a lower perceived productivity by workers, combined with less stress, and a level of job satisfaction equal to the period of work in office.